About us
Technical further Education & Training (TFET) Pty Ltd is a 100% Black owned company. Tfet was established in 2008 as a close corporation and registered with CIPRO in 2010 as a private company (PTY) Ltd under the following registration number 2010/022622/07
Our aim is to improve the lives of the ordinary South Africans especially the youth population through skills development and training and also assist the adult population through the practical assessments to obtain certifications-based acknowledgement of prior learnings
- Manufacturing and engineering related services SETA (MERSETA)
- Chemical industrial education & training authority (CHIETA)
- Energy and Water Education and Training Authority (EWSETA) and
- Media Information and communication Technologies sector education and training authority (MICT SETA)
We specialize in practical training and skills development. Our training centre is located in pretoria. The location is ideal for those using the public transport. We also have private parking for learners. Since the formation, TFET continues to offer education & training to meet an ever growing level of demand. our primary offering is;
- Electricial Engineering
- Welding Application and Practice
- Water & waste Treatment process control
- Water & waste Reticulation Services
- Water & waste operation
- Community water, Health and Sanitation monitoring
- Boilermaking
- End User computing
Our training is unit standard based as per the South African qualification authority for semi-skilled / short-skilled programmes, learnership programs and apprenticeships.
Our classrooms have the capacity to accommodate 60 students per month simultaneously and the workshop can take about 100 learners for welding, boiler making and electrical all at once. Our workshop is well equipped with equipment and tools of the latest technology to provide the best training for all the trades. We also offer onsite training in and around the country.